Alle Christen sind am kommenden Gründonnerstag, 21. April, um 20 Uhr in die katholische Pfarrkirche St. Johannes in Siedlinghausen zu einer Taizé-Betstunde unter dem Thema ?Bleibet hier und wachet mit mir? eingeladen. mehr? ...
In return for agreeing to Bach's appointment, the City-Estate faction was granted control of the School, and Bach was required to make a number of compromises with respect to his working conditions. ..... Among these were the Swingle Singers' versions of Bach pieces that are now well-known (for instance, the Air on the G string, or the Wachet Auf chorale prelude) and Wendy Carlos's 1968 groundbreaking recording Switched-On Bach, using the then recently invented Moog ...
Though his internment camp, a newly finished housing estate in the Liverpool suburb of Huyton, did not have the Amadeus Quartet (who were interned at Onchan on the Isle of Man), it did have a resident composer in Viennese musician Hans ...